Hell Ya The Very First Organic Hippy Hosting SHH!! News Post :D

By MrRuste , 28 January, 2025
Welcome to Organic Hippy Hosting SHH!! and meeting one of our office cats

Hello, all you awesome hippy peoples and nonhippies alike. My name is Russell Lukach-Krueger and I am the creator, CEO and owner of Organic Hippy Hosting SHH!! a Rutakus project. We are a registered business in Spokane, Wa USA.  Say hi to our one our office cats named Guillermo. This forum thread on our advertising network's support forums will always have our updated business info: https://forum.rutakuspixel.com/index.php?topic=111.0 although I plan on adding a page on our web in the future that will have our business information. 

So again welcome and this is our very first news post on our website. I need news content to know things are working and I want to announce some of this awesome hippy shit of kick ass hosting packages and new taken over the development/right to Maderite Scripts MRV. Yes, Organic Hippy Hosting has taken over the development of Maderite Scripts or MRV for short. Maderite Scripts is an advertising/marketing/PPC(pay-per-click/PTC(paid-to-click)/GPT(get-paid-to) website script so that anyone can start an online advertising/marketing business. I will be listing this script for sale soon. You can still buy LFMTE script as well. But we don't maintain LFMTE code. I do have some projects in development for LFMTE addons.

So, I have added a couple of pages for our web hosting packages. Maderite Scripts terms and EULA pages have been added. I planing on adding more content and pages. Maybe even an FAQ just haven't decided how things are going to be built and what system I will use for those.

Anyways, as I still have a lot of stuff to get done we are going to end this post here LOL I plan on posting more later. Thanks for reading everyone. :D
