About Us

Welcome to the about us page for our awesome web hosting/domain name sales company Organic Hippy Hosting SHH!!

Who are we and why Organic Hippy Hosting Shhh!? You are about to find out :D LOL

Organic Hippy Hosting SHH!! launched June 18, 2023 and was created by Russell Lukach-Krueger. Our domain name organichhs.com was created by Russell & Jessica Lukach-Krueger. Organic Hippy Hosting SHH!! was created out of the crappy web hosting industry and the lack of providing awesome services, underpaid people/employees, and the lack of customer service.  There are very few awesome web hosting/domain name sales companies out there. Russell Lukach-Krueger, the creator of Organic Hippy Hosting was a Godaddy reseller for a long time and has been running/hosting websites for people since 2006. So here we are the best hosting on the net and we strive to get you what you need.

At Organic Hippy Hosting SHH!!, we try our best to be up to date with the latest technology while still being as sustainable and "green" as possible. Call us tree-hugging hippies if you want we don't care LOL. We only use green partners and or are green ourselves. At our main office, we recycle and do "green" landscaping and planting. We also turn off devices and lights when not being used. 

Besides being an awesome hippy web hosting company we offer 99% uptime. Our staff want to be here so that means you get the help you need. We have lot of different staff that can help out with lot of different platforms from Wordpress, e107 to Drupal or Joomla CMS website/blog systems. 

Organic Hippy Hosting SHH!! is part of Rutakus / Rust Of All Trades company. Unified Business ID #: 603021015 

Our business license:  https://cdn.rutakus.net/documents/company_stuff/business_license_rutakus-2024-2025.pdf.

Our main office/mailing address (APPOINTMENT ONLY): 

Rutakus: Organic Hippy Hosting SHH!!

707 E Queen Ave 

Spokane, Wa 99207

